Monday, December 10, 2012

How does a virtual back-office really work???

I got this question way too many times.

Virtual corporate services are something new, unique, so I always feel some mix of skepticism and curiosity in the air when people hear about it first time.

Generally speaking, most of the clients primarily need bookkeeping services. The software (usually QuickBooks) is running either on their office desktop, or online. We do our best not to change anything in our Client’s life – so if it is on an office desktop, we can access it by VPN. Accessing an online version is also easy – we just need access rights.

In some cases the Client has an accountant who has everything in his office. In this case we ask for an “accountant copy” of the records and upload it. Our goal is to have the books and records visible and available for both Client and accountant at all times.

Supporting documents (timesheets, bills, statement, etc.) are placed in a folder in the Cloud. If the client has new bills to process, checks, or statements we need to care for but have no direct access to, we ask the Client to fax, scan and email, mail, or place them into the folder in the Cloud. Yes, it is that easy.

When it is time to process payroll, we – again – do it your way. If you have a 3rd party provider (ADP, Paychex), we can process and book payroll for you thru them. If you want us to use QuickBooks (just to stay with this example), we can do that as well.

When it is time to pay taxes, we have access to all your financial information, so we can do it quickly. We can also take care of your personal tax return if required.

HR, WishTeam, Web, and other business services are offered on an “as needed” basis. If you are our Client already, let’s say we do the bookkeeping for you and in sudden need for assistance with your elderly parents while you are on the road; it takes only a call or email to our WishTeam. There is no need to look for someone to be contracted separately.

Each client has a designated professional, with a direct phone number and an email address. There is no 1-800 number to call, or going thru dial-by-number phone directory. We are all in the US, and proud to serve the solo and small-businesses of America.

As always, please let me know if there is any question to answer.

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